February 14, 2013

happy valentine's day

We are big peanut butter and chocolate lovers in our home, so it's no surprise that our favorite cookie recipe is peanut butter blossoms.  To celebrate Valentine's Day, I thought I would make a batch of our favorite cookies using a Dove milk chocolate heart candy instead of a Hershey kiss.

We are also fortunate to have two families that we carpool with for both preschool and practices.  Lyla goes to school 3 days a week and her school is about a 20 -25 minute drive.  So only having to drive one day a week is wonderful.  Preston and two of his buddies play on the same basketball and baseball teams, so with his group I drive every third practice.  It is such a big help!  So I made an extra batch of these treats to share with them as well.
You can go here for the recipe.
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe?  Share it in the comments if you wish!  I love trying new recipes!



  1. Hi Becky!
    Thanks for stopping by our ladies hop! I'm already following you on Twitter but going to check out the rest of your blog to see where else I can follow!
    Thanks again!

  2. looks like a perfect v-day snack!

  3. Oh, I wish I had seen these earlier! These are The Man of the House's favorite cookie! :)


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