May 28, 2013

holiday weekend fun in the sun


Good morning!  I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend as much as we did!  We spent Friday evening/night at Preston's swim meet, then hopped in the car Saturday morning and headed to the coast.  We spent Saturday and Sunday there and then headed back early Monday morning so we could enjoy a Memorial Day pool party with friends.  I woke up this am in a fog, but it was so worth it!  As tired and waterlogged as we are, we all had a super fun weekend!
Now I need one more cup of coffee, and then I'm off to clean all the sand and salt off everything.  Hope you have a great day!


  1. glad ya'll had a nice weekend!


  2. So happy you all enjoyed such a wonderful holiday weekend!! :)

    Stopping by this afternoon to let you know that I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award! I so enjoy your blog, Becky, and it's fun to have an opportunity to acknowledge you in this way! :)


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