June 25, 2013

Dermagist {refreshed, youthful, beautiful skin}

Enjoying life in my late 30's, skin care has become an important daily regimen for me.  I know that growing older is a privilege denied to many, so I embrace it every single day.  But that does mean I won't take care of myself and try to look my best for my age.  So when Dermagist contacted me to try their products, I quickly jumped at the chance to try their Complete Rejuvenation System.  
The Complete Rejuvenation System is a combo kit that targets all the signs of aging.  My skin feels so soft and smooth.  Dark spots are fading and my skin looks bright and refreshed. 

 I hope to live a long, full life and I know that you can't turn back the clock.  I remind myself that the lines on my face are proof of a life spent laughing and smiling :)  But if there are products that help improve these signs of aging I'm on board!  These anti-aging products from Dermagist now have a permanent spot by my sink, so that I can quickly apply them morning and night.  They will be part of my daily routine to help me have refreshed, youthful, beautiful skin.

Now on to the good stuff...Dermagist is offering a giveaway to one lucky reader choosing the product of your choice! 

How to enter:

Please leave a comment for each entry completed (include your email address if it is not connected to your profile or if you do not have a blog and want to leave an anonymous comment).
1)  Mandatory - Like Dermagist on facebook and follow them on pinterest .
2)  Additional Entry - Become a follower of This Is Happiness via Google Friend Connect.
Open to Residents in the US and Canada
Disclaimer:  if you already won a Dermagist giveaway, you are ineligible for this one

Giveway will close on Tuesday July 2, 2013 and the winner will be announced on Wednesday July 3, 2013. 
Thanks and good luck!

This giveaway is now closed and the winner is Jess V!  Congratulations Jess!


  1. I would really like to try the products! Pick me!

  2. Awesome! I would love to try these!

  3. I like them on facebook & Pinterest!

  4. I'm following via GFC


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