August 30, 2013

five things {august top 5}

Hello Weekend!  Really glad to see Friday and enjoy the long holiday weekend ahead!  We have no major plans except a sleepover tonight and dinner on Saturday evening with friends.  The rest of the weekend is chill time.  I am also so, so excited that this weekend  kicks off college football season.  We already watched a couple of games last night, but really looking forward to Saturday when our teams play.
Moving on...I'm linking up with the five on friday group and the high five for friday and this week doing an August recap. 
1.  Busted out a couple of projects involving this $1 roll of wrapping paper from Target.  Made a pretty storage box for my desk, which was later swiped by my daughter for the desk in her room.  And then added some wrapping paper backing to Lyla's bookshelves.  Have you done any cute projects with wrapping paper or scrap paper?  So many pretty prints out there and such an inexpensive way to add some fun color and pattern.
2.  A major highlight this month was our trip to Florida.  Played on the beaches and enjoyed Disney World.  So many great memories made on this trip!
3.  Working on making over both kids rooms, so I started with this new wall letter board for Preston's room.   Excited to add some new colors in his room. 

4.  Shared this recipe!

5.  And finally, we are officially back in school.  So nice having both kids in the same school that is only 2 minutes from our home.  Made new belonging tags for their backpacks and lunchboxes using pic monkey.

And that wraps up August for us!  Wishing everyone a fun, safe holiday weekend!

you can also find my here:



  1. Love the projects you did with the wrapping paper! So cute!!

  2. You have been quite busy! Enjoy the long weekend!

  3. I just found your blog on the Five on Friday link up! I can't wait to read more! I love your DIY wall art and wrapping paper idea for the bookshelf! I plan on doing my little ones room over when she's a bit bigger, some great ideas! Thanks!


  4. Love the wrapping paper projects! Might just have to try my hand at something like that! Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for commenting! I'm your newest follower. Your kitchen is amazing!

  6. I never even though of using wrapping paper... that's genius! My mind is spinning with ideas :)

  7. Great projects lady! I can't believe that was wrapping paper...and for only $1!?

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

    IG: megawat
    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

  8. Your DIY projects are great!!! Love when things look great for a great price!!!

    Come check me out:
    IG: alyciapalmer

  9. I love the idea of using gift paper like that! I made those wall letters for my sons room and will be working on more for my new baby coming in October!
    Stopping by from H54F!
    Come link up with us!

  10. Hi from your newest follower (coming over from the Friend Connect blog hop). I followed you on pinterest, twitter and bloglovin. Hope you will stop by when you can!

    have a good night!

  11. Hi Becky! I found you via the blog hop! I love the pictures you shared of your home - you've got a lovely place!

    Six years ago when our daughter was 5, we lived in Orlando and had season passes to Disney. It was one of the funnest years we've ever had! Glad you guys enjoyed your trip!

  12. Love the wall letter. I wanted to do that for my oldest when he was a toddler, but don't know why I never did. Maybe I'll do that for both boys now and hang it over their beds.


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