August 20, 2013

soft & chewy chocolate drop cookies

Good Morning!  I was craving sweets and chocolate yesterday, so I baked these cookies on a whim using ingredients I had on hand.  I wasn't planning to share them here, but they were so, so yummy that I whipped out the camera so I could pass along this delicious recipe.  I'm more of a simple cookie lover, like sugar and shortbread cookies.  I'm not a huge fan of really sweet, rich cookies or icing.  So this simple little chocolate cookie has just the right amount of sweetness.  It's soft, chewy, chocolate goodness!  Now on to the recipe.


  • 4 squares of Baker's unsweetened chocolate
  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2-1/2 cups flour


  1. Microwave unsweetened chocolate and butter in large bowl about 2 minutes or until butter is melted.  Stir until chocolate is completely melted.
  2. Add sugar, mix well.
  3. Blend in eggs and vanilla.
  4. Add flour, mix well.
  5. Refrigerate 1 hour or until dough is easy to handle (I have no patience, so I stuck mine in the freezer for about 10 min)
  6. Preheat oven to 350.
  7. Shape dough into balls.  Roll in sugar and place on a greased cookies sheet.
  8. Bake for 8 min
*recipe from Baker's


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{sharing here: savvy southern style}


  1. omg! yum! and could your presentation be any cuter!? i need to take housewife classes from you because your hubby is one lucky man! and i can barely use a microwave more or less whip up something without a recipe followed to a tee! lol

  2. Those looks amazing and how cute do do they look?!? I'll have to try these!

  3. Those look delish! I'm going to have to make a batch. And your presentation of them is adorable!

  4. I like the simplicity of these, the chocolate probably really shines through, always a good thing. Such cute packaging too! :)

  5. This looks really good, and now I want to make them! Wow! I am commenting and following from Mom's Monday mingle.


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