September 4, 2013

style simplified boutique

Happy Wednesday!  That means there is less than 48 hours until Friday - Yay!!  Today, I am so excited to finally share this new little addition to my site! Over the past couple of weeks, I've been working on creating an on-line boutique displaying some of my favorite home and fashion finds.  I added a tab on my right side bar labeled "SHOP" where I'll round up all my favorite finds.  Many of these items are currently on my "dream wishlist," but I've included some budget friendly style finds too.  My goal is to update it weekly and hopefully find some sale items as well.   Always fun to pass along a stylish bargain! 

Here's how it works -- if you hover over the item, it will give you the brand and price.  And if you're interested in seeing more details, just click the picture and it will link you directly to the store where you can purchase the item.  And that's it!  Let me know what you think!   Happy Browsing!  

Hope your day is great!


  1. How fun! In love everything, especially the jewelry! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Amanda! Really excited to have a place on my site for all my current faves!

  2. Love! So many I either own, or are on my "wish" list. Wish you lived closer...we could definitely be shopping buddies!!

  3. Greetings, I am a new follower on Bloglovin. Visiting from the framed lady and friend connect hop.
    I really like this idea. You have eclectic style and I really enjoy looking at your wish list.

    Barbara @

  4. Ooo I'm loving this! These are some really fun a cool pieces I want to add to my home :)

  5. I LOVE that Kate Spade watch!!!



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