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October 9, 2012

halloween candy wrappers

Here's what we did yesterday on our Columbus Day Holiday...

we made these cute little Halloween candy wrappers.

We made these last year for the kids' teachers, and I loved how cute and easy they were, so I decided to make them again this year.  Since the kids didn't have school yesterday, we knocked these out early this year.
Enjoy your day. 
{sharing here:  funky junk interiors,   snap} 


  1. Becky you seriously make the cutest stuff! Can we be neighbors?!

  2. I love this idea to give the kids on the compound before they head off trick-o-treating. It is the perfect bag stuffer. Thanks for the tip.

  3. What a fun idea for kids or a Halloween party!!

    Thank you so much for joining the CHQ Blog Hop today! We hope you "meet" some other fabulous bloggers...don't forget to tell a friend to join too, the more, the merrier!!
    xo, Meredith @

  4. great templates! thanks for sharing!

  5. This is such an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing with Inspired Tuesday!

  6. I featured you today! Happy Halloween!

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