July 2, 2013

books and smiles

Today I'm switching gears to discuss two very important topics involving education and helping children.  If you're lucky enough to be a college student or if someone in your family is a college student, I have some great cost saving information on your textbook cost and a way to make money on the books you own.  How awesome is that!  Campus Book Rentals is a superior company that saves you money by renting your textbooks and avoiding the risk of them becoming devalued at the end of your semester.  Here's a short video to show you how it works.

And as the video discussed, here are some of the perks of renting from Campus Book Rentals

-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods

And the best perk is that they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented.  And this is a charity that is dear to me.  I worked in Pediatric and Neonatal ICU for 11 years, and took care of many babies who were born with cleft lip and cleft palate.  As one of the most prominent charities for children in the world, they work in over 60 countries to heal children’s smiles and bring hope for a better future for these children.

Lastly, Campus Book Rentals now has a new initiative that can earn you some money.  Rent Back allows students to rent the textbooks they own to other students.  Which can make you 2-4 times more money compared to what you would make through a buyback option.

So in closing, here are the highlights: 
Campus Book Rentals saves you money when you rent your textbooks,
Rent Back gives you the option to make money on the textbooks you own and
Operation Smiles receives a donation with each textbook rented, therefore you're helping a child. 
I so wish this company was available when I was in college.  My college years are some of my most cherished memories but I know it can get so expensive.  Even though I feel like I'm still a young college girl :) I know it won't be long before my own kids will be in college - yikes!  But when the time comes for them to attend, I will definitely be renting their textbooks.  So go check out these sites for some cost saving/money making opportunities!
Enjoy Your Day!
*this is a sponsored post, but all opinions are 100% my own

1 comment:

  1. I have some wonderful information on how to save money on textbooks as well as a method to make money on the books you already own.


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