July 9, 2013


Happy Tuesday!  What a difference a live plant or fresh flowers make in a room or space.  My sweet neighbor who is moving recently gave me several succulent plants and Lyla and I went crazy planting them one afternoon while Preston was a basketball camp. 

We added this one to the back patio space.  How pretty are these sweet little blooms?

Remember the ceramic bowls I found in the Target $1 bind?  One of those made a perfect planting container for the office shelving.

Lyla wanted one in her room, so we stuck one in this coffee mug and placed it on her night stand.
Succulents, with their striking forms, unusual colors, and easy-care reputation, can be a fun design element.  Succulents can create a striking accent in your home or garden.  Love the life they bring to all these spaces. 
Hope you have  a terrific day!


  1. Hey there! Stopping by from the blog hop! Just wanted to let you know I liked your facebook page :o) I hope you'll get a chance to visit me! You can find me here:

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  2. So pretty! Love how hardy succulents are.


  3. I LOVE succulents too - they are one of the few plans that I don't kill :-) I adore the look of the succulent in the coffee mug - will have to use that idea!

  4. Love succulents! I haven't had much luck with them inside though. I keep wanting to try again! Just found you through the bloglovin' hop and am following along!


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