July 10, 2013

blog organizing

Good Morning!  It's a lazy Wednesday summer morning for us - yay!!  And actually the past couple of days have been laid back.  While the kids were at a friend's house, I started organizing my "categories" that are located over on the right hand side bar.  And once I started I could not stop until it was done.  So I spent much of the past two nights after kids went to bed knocking it out.  I could not be happier to have everything so organized.  I used InLinkz and used the project manager tool.  It's really easy to use, but was a bit time consuming for me, because I put it off so long and had lots of posts to organize.  If you're bored :) go check them out and let me know what you think.  You can go to the sidebar or here are the links:






Enjoy your day!


  1. Looks great. Really organized!

  2. Awesome! A place for everything and everything in its place. I need to get my blog organized!


Share your thoughts with me!