August 26, 2013

backpack & lunchbox name tags using pic monkey


Happy Monday Back to School Morning!  The kids are off to school and excited about a new year!  We spent the weekend enjoying the last bit of summer and also spent some time getting things organized and ready for a full week of school and after school activities.
I love using pic monkey to edit my pictures, but I also use it for designing menus, cards, invitations and now backpack and lunchbox tags.  I always like to write the kids' teachers names, room number and especially the new bus number on their backpacks.  And because I have terrible handwriting, I toss the little card that comes included and print a custom one. 
For Lyla's I tried to match it to her backpack and for Preston's I kept it pretty simple and added a crazy critter to it.  I also made one with our home address and phone number to slide behind this front card.  Even though the kids are pretty good about remembering all this info, it makes me feel better as they join the nearly 1000 other elementary students attending their school - yikes!
What about you use pic monkey for reasons other than editing pictures?  What have you made?
Have a wonderful day!
you can also find my here:



  1. Great idea! I just recent,t started blogging and I love Pic Monkey. It's such a great tool!

  2. Love Love Love Pic Monkey. I use is for personal pics, blogging and work!


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