August 27, 2013

first day of school

I shared these pictures yesterday on instagram, but thought I would share them here too since it was as special day for these two.  It was back to school for us yesterday and it was a fun, exciting day!  Preston started 2nd grade and Lyla is now in kindergarten.  I made these first day of school props on Sunday, so we could have something fun to take their pictures with.  Another pic monkey project.

And of course, we celebrated our first day success with these yummy peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes for snack after the kids got off the bus.

Hope all the kids and teachers out there had a great day as well!

you can also find my here:


  1. Such cute pictures. Glad they had a great first day!!

    1. Thanks! My daughter was so excited she talked all evening about it and could not wait to go back this am. Hope the excitement for school continues for a long time :)

  2. Wow, look how grown up and handsome Preston is and Lyla is adorable and just beaming! Hope they had a great first day.



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