August 5, 2013

vacation time & a winner

Good morning!  We are finally off on our Florida vacation.  Not sure if you remember, but we were supposed to go to Disney World over Spring Break, but both our kids got sick with the flu :(  So, we had to reschedule and the time has finally come to make a second attempt at it!

Despite how upset we all were to have to canceled in the Spring, it has all worked out in the end.  We ended up adding beach time to our trip, which we were not going to do at Spring Break. 

I can't wait to spend the week enjoying the last part of our summer!  I'll be back to next week with the details, but until then you can follow our trip on instagram.  I'll be back with another quick diy I did in Preston's room that I wanted to share with you this week.
And the winner of the Happy Everything Cookbook is Entry # 121 Karen A - Congratulations!

Have a great day!


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