August 2, 2013

5 on friday {july top 5}

Hey there Friday!  So happy to see you again!  Today I'm taking part in the 5 on Friday series again and taking a look back at the top five happenings around our home in July.
1.  I was so surprised to see how many little diy projects I did this month.  There were three.  Of course, they were pretty quick and easy, but none the less there were three and this is a personal monthly record for me.

2.  Next up was adding some brightness to our kitchen.  Now that we have nice white cabinets (you can read about dark cabinets and paint process here), I added some bright accents.  No big major purchases or changes, but just some cheerful yellow and orange touches.  A yellow rug, yellow chevron bowl and some fresh orange flowers did the trick!

3.  Made this delicious cheddar cornbread.  It was so good and I only ate half of it while it was still warm :)  You can get the recipe here.

4.  Enjoying my summer with these two kiddos.  I'm so happy they love to scooter and ride bikes.  Because it's summer and they have a later bedtime and to avoid the heat, we head out late in the evening around 7:30 and spend some time outdoors. 

5.  We spent a few days in Port Aransas with my family.  Lyla loved building sand castles and Preston loves the water.  Grant and the guys played horseshoes and I sat back and watched everyone!  We actually packed up and ended up staying about 6 or 7 hours at beach each day.  So happy they both enjoy it as much as we do!

And that wraps up July for us!  Hope your weekend is great!

P.S.  Just getting on board with instagram and really having fun with it -- you can find my page here.



  1. Found your blog through the 5 on Friday link up.... and I am suffering from SERIOUS kitchen envy. I live in NYC and my kitchen is about the size of your island. I love the pops of color you added!

    1. Thank you. It is nice having the space here, but NYC would be such an awesome place to live! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am a new follower and LOVE your blog! Can't wait to become a regular reader.;)

  3. Love all the projects. I was just painting a tray I had I am thinking I need to go scout out a few more things!! Have a fantastic weekend.


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